unsere Position
Ein Aufenthalt im The George bietet Ihnen die perfekte Wahl, um sich in unserem Pub (Schottische Whiskybar des Jahres 2023) zu entspannen, die Menüs in unserem preisgekrönten Restaurant und unserer Cocktailbar zu probieren, jedes Wochenende zu Live-Musik von lokalen Musikern zu tanzen und das zu genießen unglaubliche lokale Natur und unzählige Spaziergänge, Erkunden der Geschäfte und kleinen Galerien in Inveraray, Erkunden von Loch Fyne, Argyll und The Islands oder einfach nur Entspannen in der Privatsphäre Ihres Zimmers mit unserem beeindruckenden Frühstück, das an Ihre Tür geliefert wird ...

Having worked at festivals all over the country, from the largest in the land to the smallest in the county, I can attest that the festivals in the George Hotel’s Garden Bar are among the very best of them.
With the friendliest of atmospheres, some great music and stunning surroundings, what’s not to like about them?
The traditional music events reflect the spirit of the hills and glens around the venue, the blues festival summons ghosts of the Mississippi Delta, the rock ‘n’ roll events invoke shadows of the 1950s. All with a contemporary, slightly irreverent – one eyebrow raised - attitude.
Excellent food and drink choices from the talented and hard-working Garden Bar crew, together with the free admission and excellent musical line-ups, ensure that complaints are limited to the off midge or spot of rain.
The venue itself has evolved since opening in 2020. From a slightly hand-knitted response to ever-changing Covid regulations, the space is now ideally suited to one or two-day music events, no matter the weather.
And the choice of artistes for the events is truly eclectic. From international star Horse to the young blades of The Best Bad Influence, old troopers to keen youngsters, loud to reflective, trendy to not-give-a dammy, mellow to truly eccentric – the whole gamut of the musical world has trod the Garden Bar stages.
So what is expected for the events in 2024? Simply, more of the same – but better. Excellent music being enjoyed by enthusiastic crowds in ideal surroundings with excellent food and drink.
We all look forward to seeing you in the garden of dreams…
Gordon Neish (Dunoon Observer/Dr. Hip and the Blues Operation), May 2024.